Monday, October 26, 2015

Learn Guitar Basics for Free

If you could have only one talent, what would it be? To sing beautifully? To play the piano or guitar? Chances are, at some point in your life, you wished you were great musically in some form or another.

For thousands of years, musical talents have been revered in societies all around the world. If you're familiar with Jane Austen and the world of "Pride and Prejudice," then you know, along with painting, sewing and other arts, musical ability is seen as an important quality in an eligible woman.

Personally I have always struggled with music. I can't hear pitch and my only try at playing any instrument was the clarinet in middle school band. The music we played, mainly Christmas songs and oldies, never suited me, and I always found my eyes drifting to the back of the room where the percussionists played drums or the xylophone. 

Guitar and piano was never an option as I didn't have access to either one, and I never thought to ask for lessons. Thanks to Youtube and the concept of learning through watching, however, more people than ever have access to music and music lessons. 

"Guitar Adventures," a beginner and intermediate level guitar instruction book, not only includes the book itself but supplementary videos to stream as well. You can read through the step-by-step lessons and then watch the videos. 

Tomorrow, Tuesday, October 27, Steeplechase Arts, the music performance and publishing company behind the book, is holding a special promotion for the book. Anyone can download it as a Free Amazon ebook ALL DAY.

If you've never learned how to play the guitar but always wanted to now's your chance! Don't know how to read music? No worries. Music professor Damon Ferrante will guide you every step of the way, from the names of the guitar parts to your first song.

This is the link to the promotion: "Guitar Adventures."

Check it out and let me know what you think with your comments! :)